"Life, Love, & Light" with Veronica Mary Rolf

What is Resurrection?

February 04, 2022 Veronica Mary Rolf Season 4 Episode 1

In the Fourth Season of Life, Love, & Light podcasts, we delve into the all-important but rarely discussed topic of Resurrection, based on my recent award winning book, Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters, co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD. In this first episode -- entitled What is Resurrection? -- we consider ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Hebrew ideas about the afterlife: what it was, what it was not. Then we examine biblical references to life after death in the psalms, prophets, apocalyptic literature, and the Book of Wisdom. In the process, we discover that faith in the resurrection of the body and soul of the whole person to new life after death was based not on human merits or worthiness, but rather on the goodness and steadfastness of Yahweh. Hope in the eventual triumph of divine life over human death was grounded in the certainty that the Creator is all-powerful. What God creates, God can and will redeem and recreate. Sin and death have no hold over Yahweh.
Future podcasts will closely examine the four biblical accounts of Christ's resurrection to discover the bedrock of Christian belief in bodily resurrection. We will also consider how we may begin living resurrected lives even now, as sons and daughters of the resurrection.

Please let your friends know about this new season of Life, Love, & Light podcasts. They are available on Apple, Google, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon, and all the major directories as well as on https://lifelovelight.buzzsprout.com/.
At this time of great disharmony, fear, crisis, and suffering in our world, one thing remains certain: The love of God is everlasting. Blessings to all!