"Life, Love, & Light" with Veronica Mary Rolf

Living Resurrected Lives

April 22, 2022 Veronica Mary Rolf Season 4 Episode 11

During this first week of the Easter Season, today's "Life, Love, & Light" podcast  examines how we might actually begin to live resurrected lives -- even now -- amidst our sorrows, sufferings, questions, worries, and fears. This is what Christ's resurrection calls us to do.

You may ask: Why should we? Why does it matter?  Because, one day – whether we like it or not -- we will be hit with the stark realization that we are going to die. A medical diagnosis, a near-fatal accident, the passing of someone we love: any one of these may bring home the full reality of our own death. It will also make us aware that unless the full scope of what it means to be resurrected among the saints becomes the primary focal point of our life as Christians, the idea of eternal life as supremely blissful will remain only a faint and even foolhardy wish.  So we must dare to embark on living now in anticipation of the reality that we hope awaits us.

We consider how we might actively prepare for a resurrected life in heaven through the life we live on earth. We  examine the essential virtues of a living faith, a daring hope, a radical love, and a total trust in the fact of Christ's resurrection and the promise of our own.  And we recognize that to live a resurrected life here and now means choosing a life of service in imitation of Christ. In all things, we seek to gain "the mind of Christ" and to say with St. Paul: “it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20).

NOTE: This series of podcasts is based on themes from my award-winning book, "Living Resurrected Lives: What it Means and Why it Matters," co-authored by my daughter, Eva Natanya, PhD (Cascade Books, 2020).

PLEASE SHARE these podcasts with your family and friends who may be in need of hope during  these troubled times. May you be filled with Easter blessings and great joy in the reality of Christ's  resurrection!