"Life, Love, & Light" with Veronica Mary Rolf

The Divine Love Story

Veronica Mary Rolf Season 2 Episode 11

In this "Life, Love & Light"  podcast, we consider The Divine Love Story as revealed in the Hebrew Bible through the mystical writings of some of the prophets – specifically Jeremiah, Isaiah, Hosea, and Micah.  We see how Yahweh was understood as Father, Divine Lover, tender Shepherd, nursing Mother, Creator, and faithful Husband to Israel. We hear the prophets plead with the Israelites to return to the Lord to be forgiven, comforted, and healed.

Then we see how, in the New Testament, these prophecies of Yahweh's love were fully realized in Jesus Christ's  Love Story.  We realize that  there was not a single moment of Jesus’ life that was not a revelation of his Father’s unconditional love, for those who had eyes to see and ears to hear. We examine Christ's washing of his disciples' feet to show how low he would stoop to serve. We ask how we might learn to love as Jesus asks us to love, by abiding in him. We contemplate the most extravagant of all Christ’s manifestations of love -- his suffering and death on the cross. We hear the prophecy of The Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53 and recognize the mystical power of prophecy. We also consider The Holy Spirit's Love Story and realize that this story is being told right here and now -- in us. This is the glorious mystical dimension of our lives.
PLEASE SHARE these weekly Life, Love, & Light podcasts with your family and friends who long to know and experience the extravagant love of God as prophesized in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the life death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Blessings to all!